The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers gets the Consultative Status of ECOSOC of the United Nations

Press Release The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers gets the Consultative Status of ECOSOC of the United Nations The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations granted the…

The Association for Egyptian Female Lawyers condemns the American Intervention in “Morsi” Accusation of “spying”

The Association for Egyptian Female Lawyers condemns the American Intervention in “Morsi” Accusation of “spying” Cairo, 21st December 2013        The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers expresses its rejection…

Joining of “The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers” to SOAWR

Joining of “The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers” to SOAWR       The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers- registered with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity (#3236)…

The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers Launches a Campaign to Eliminate Early Marriage

The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers Launches a Campaign to Eliminate Early Marriage In the context of cooperation between the Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) and The Project of…

aeflwomen Past Performance

       Project Name preparing female leaders for parliamentary elections 2010. Donor: The Danish- Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI) Project Location:  Egypt     Project Description AEFL aims  through executing this project to…

legal protection for Syrian women and girls exploited for temporary marriage and non- marriage documents.

  General objective: legal protection for Syrian  women and girls exploited for temporary marriage and non- marriage documents. The project will provide assistance and legal services for Syrian families and…

Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers

Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) is a registered NGO with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity (#3236) with the mission of activating women’s political participation and supporting women’s…

The right to education and fighting illiteracy

The right to education and fighting illiteracy Although Egypt spent 11.9 % of its total public expenditures on education, the Egyptian education system faces many obstacles. The most important of…

The right to freedom of opinion, expression, and information

The right to freedom of opinion, expression, and information  In all Communities, revolutions break out due to unfair practices, muzzling the citizens and worsening living conditions. Through the Egyptian revolution of 2011, Egyptians emphasized their right to freedom of opinion,…