The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers Launches a Campaign to Eliminate Early Marriage

admen     23 Nov,2015     , , , , , , , ,    

The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers Launches a Campaign to Eliminate Early Marriage

In the context of cooperation between the Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) and The Project of Girls right  Protection, AEFL initiates woman campaign to eliminate and combat early marriage and human trafficking through establishing a network of volunteer lawyers, psychologists and social workers to work with NGOs that provide direct social and legal support and rehabilitation to early marriage victims.

As a human right feminist association, AEFL’s main objectives are to empower women, raise the awareness of marginalized categories regarding their legal rights and provide legal support to them. Hence, the project aims at eliminating early marriage and children and women trafficking in addition to provide support and opportunities to current and potential victims in the targeted communities.

The project will achieve the following results:

  • Comprehensive study about the status quo, evaluating needs and analyzing the stakeholders.


  • ehabilitate and reintegrate early marriage victims in society.
  • Define forms and types of early marriage in targeted communities.
  • Define elements that lead to early marriage and its risks.

The project targets

  • Human trafficking victims (women/ children)
  • Early marriage victims.
  • Misyar marriage victims.
  • Women suffered from violence as a result of women trafficking.
  • Psychologists and social workers who will be trained.
  • Youth lawyers who will be trained.
  • Partner NGOs working in field of combating human trafficking.

This initiative is a step towards protecting girls from all violence and trafficking forms in addition to create team of volunteer lawyers, psychologists and social workers to protect those girls and women and defend their legal rights. So from this initiative the Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers welcomes all volunteer suggestions and assistances to support this campaign and our participation in providing protection for women and children.

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