Publications Archive

  • The right to practice political rights and to monitor elections
    The right to practice political rights and to monitor elections

    The right to practice political rights and to monitor elections: Egyptians have made two of the greatest revolutions on 25 […]

  • The right to freedom of opinion, expression, and information
    The right to freedom of opinion, expression, and information

    The right to freedom of opinion, expression, and information  In all Communities, revolutions break out due to unfair practices, muzzling the citizens and worsening living conditions. Through the […]

  • Campaign against human trafficking in egypt
    Campaign against human trafficking in egypt

    Press Release Campaign against human trafficking Association of Egyptian female lawyers is leading a campaign against human trafficking……………. A continuation […]

  • Combating human trafficking in cooperation with the EU
    Combating human trafficking in cooperation with the EU

     implementing training course‘s Report “Capacity building of lawyers to support victims of human trafficking” In a project of “Combating human […]