legal awareness women in egypt

legal awareness women in egypt Legal Awareness- Access to justice is recognized as being essential to human development,    for ensuring democratic governance, in reducing poverty and for the purpose of             …

Fighting human trafficking

Fighting human trafficking: Although the Egyptian government had issued Law no 64/2010 regarding combating human trafficking and the article 89 of the newly adopted constitution, stating: “Slavery and all forms…

Combating human trafficking in cooperation with the EU

implementing training course‘s Report “Capacity building of lawyers to support victims of human trafficking” In a project of “Combating human trafficking in cooperation with the EU.” During the period from…

Campaign against human trafficking in egypt

Press Release Campaign against human trafficking Association of Egyptian female lawyers is leading a campaign against human trafficking……………. A continuation of association of Egyptian female lawyers‘s efforts in action to…

Combating human trafficking in cooperation with the EU

 implementing training course‘s Report “Capacity building of lawyers to support victims of human trafficking” In a project of “Combating human trafficking in cooperation with the EU.” During the period from…