General objective: legal protection for Syrian women and girls exploited for temporary marriage and non- marriage documents.
The project will provide assistance and legal services for Syrian families and women refugees to Egypt as a means to protect these families , girls and women by the risk of trading sex as marriage , a matter which falls within the interests of the Arab Fund for Human Rights and the Association of Jurists Egyptologist to defense of women’s rights.
Has become a Syrian refugee families in Egypt a part of the Egyptian entity and have all the humanitarian endorsed rights by the international conventions and agreements ,therefore we cannot ignore the issue that may affect the Egyptian entity as a whole and therefore we must work to protect Syrian girls from all forms of exploitation as tunics .
The project works to address the problem by providing outreach programs , protection and legal assistance to women and girls Syrian residing in Egypt and assist in the extraction of the identification papers they can through work and integrate within Egyptian society as well as to help their children to resort to different schools as their right for education.