- Preparing female leaders for parliamentary elections 2010.
AEFL aims through executing this project to activate the role of women in political life, in the decision-making process and creating a cadre of women able to manage electoral campaigns . The project aims to achieve its goals through establish women’s political support unit which aim to provide different kinds of trainings for female candidates on topics like political participation, human and women rights, leadership and communication skills, networking, becoming a candidate and managing electoral campaigns. The project was funded by The Danish- Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI).
- Together against sexual harassment.
The project aims at monitoring the number of women and girls subjected to sexual harassment at El Matria & Ain Shams zones , through Conducting preliminary research on the phenomenon of harassment of working women in the slum areas and presented it to the stakeholders and society and implement number of seminars and awareness workshops to working women , businessman and workshop owners. The project was funded by Mama Cash.
- Supporting and motivating the performance of female members of local councils in decision-making.
The Association aimed at reinforcing gender equity and women’s empowerment. The first objective is capacity building for 120 female members of local councils in the governorates of Giza, Beni Sweef, Wadi El Gedid and Aswan. In pursuit of this objective AEFL will conduct training sessions to hone the council members’ leadership and political skills. The second objective is assistance to the council members in their work, through a combination of activities similar to consulting and mentoring, accompanied by a continuous series of evaluation activities. The project was funded by MEPI.
- Activating Women’s Role within Local Bar Associations in Upper Egypt.
The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) trained a caliber of 25 women lawyers within local bar associations in the Giza, Bani Souef, Minya, and Qena governorates, who will subsequently train an additional 100 female lawyers in each target governorate. Trainees will form a network to provide continued support to women lawyers seeking leadership positions within the bar association. The project was funded by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
- Enhancing & Empowering Egyptian Woman to Participate in Civil Life.
The association seeks through executing this project to execute activities calling for equal gender opportunities and minimizing obstacles which face women in obtaining their social, political, economic and cultural rights, enabling women and increasing the awareness of societies selected and their civil institutions of women rights and granting women access to obtain their rights. The project was funded by Global Fund for Women (GFW).
- Locating seats for female lawyers inside lawyers syndicate (Quota of female lawyers).
Egyptian Female Lawyers Association adopted the project of “Locating seats for female lawyers inside lawyers’ syndicate, which is legal initiative for a period of 12 month to promote opportunities of participating of syndicated women with decision and policies processes inside the syndicate. Project generally aims to provide the opportunities for participation of women with locating seats for them inside lawyers syndicate to foster their opportunities for reaching to mechanisms of making policies within formal and voluntary institutions. Project focuses in particular on lawyers syndicate which witness remarkable recession in representing women in board of directors of syndicate even in public and sub- syndicate. The project was funded by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
- Programs of legal clinic for sexual harassment victim
Project aims at forming legal clinic for sexual harassment victims to provide legal and psychological support to victims themselves and provide consultations for their families and other concerned parties. The project was funded by Mediterranean Women Fund.
- Program of legal assistance for women.
Project aims at providing legal assistances for violated women ,grantee of getting her political and legal rights ,and fight all unfair laws and legislations against women. The project is funded by Development Fund for African Women.
- The political participation of women in local elections.
The project aims to enhance women participation in local elections in 2012 through providing knowledge and awareness to 12000 women from underserved areas in Giza, Fayoum and Qaliubiya of their electoral rights, in addition to form a network of 60 female lawyers to lead the electoral campaign befor 2012 local elections ( to guarantee providing services and awareness programs for women continuously). The project is funded by Open Society Foundations- Arab.
- Women action for election (WAE).
The project aims to political awareness to women of poor communities about the importance of the electoral process, and the project worked on raising awareness of 18000 women in three governorates which characterized by spreading of underserved areas as the citizens there lacks the knowledge and skills which empower them from effective participation in public decision making. The funded by International foundation for electoral systems (IFES)
- Supporting the democratic transition phase at local level.
The project aims at enhancing and encouraging the democratic governance in two local communities in Giza governorate through raising knowledge and skills of local councils to respond to their community needs, in addition to building skills of local NGOs to mobilize local communities to express their opinions about the democratic process and discuss their needs and rights with relevant decision making entities and accounting it and work on raising public awareness of community members and encourage dialogue initiatives at local level. The project is funded by Swiss embassy in Cairo.
- Stop violence against women.
The project aims at (1) providing legal and psychological support for the victims of physical violence through an existing entity that fulfill their needs; (2) NGOs are ready to deal with the cases of the physical violence and judicially face them; (3) Creating a network of 30 NGOs in addition to legal clinic in the Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers that work together to help female victims of sexual and physical violence; (4) Raising the public awareness concerning the risks emerged from ignoring these issues and working upon developing long-term plan to face physical violence; (5) Coming out with a draft law by the employees of the legislations committee in the people’s Assembly to submit to the new parliament. The project is funded by European Union.