Joining of “The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers” to SOAWR

admen     04 Dec,2015     , , , , ,    

Joining of “The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers” to SOAWR




The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers- registered with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity (#3236) at August 25, 2008 – and Headed by Mrs. / Rabha Fathy has joined to SOAWR which is an African regional network of 39 civil societies African regional organizations works to protect the African women rights and stop violence against her.
The Association attended the events and workshops held in Nairobi – Kenya 6 November 2012 and targeted work to prepare a working paper containing proposals to the obligations of African countries and other countries to stop violence against women.


The most important recommendations advocated by the network are:
Deterring violence in the community from the beginning and reducing the current phenomena. As well, many recommendations that will enable women to get their rights and to further enjoy it. It was agreed to pass a worksheet by a large number of civil society organizations in all African countries to get general consensus for the demands and suggestions. Also they agreed to provide this worksheet to a United Nations meeting in New York in mid-December for the purpose of announcing public demands for African women.


The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers considers as the first one in the North Africa, which joined the membership of SOAWR. SOAWR seeks to greater representation of women, more effective in terms of all levels of decision-making, freedom from discrimination and to end violence against women.


SOAWR Objectives:


  • Getting the universal ratification of the African Union Protocol for women rights.


  • Increasing this protocol popularity.


  • Ensure including the charter in domestic law and its implementation.


  • Creating a space to hear of marginalized rural women voice and seeking her benefit from all articles of the Protocol.




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