Quota of female Lawyers in egypt

admen     08 Dec,2015     , , ,    

Press Release                    
“Quota of female Lawyers”

In the frame work of  the project “The allocation of seats for female lawyers within the lawyers syndicate  (quota of lawyers)”  adopts the Association  of Egyptian  Female Lawyers  AEFL, in cooperation with the National Endowment for Democracy NED Initiative rights unique of its kind aimed at enhancing the participation of female  lawyers in making policies and decisions, the project aims in general to provide an opportunity for female lawyers to participate through the allocation of seats for them within lawyers syndicate  to promote opportunities for access to the mechanisms of decision-making through formal and voluntary  institutions  .
As the lawyers syndicate which is one of the oldest syndicates which significantly witness declining  in average  of women’s representation on the boards of the syndicate both in the general and sub syndicate    therefore, the project aims to activate the role of women within the lawyers syndicate , through achieving three specific objectives:
1 – Mobilize the lawyers community in Egypt and to gain their support for the allocation of a minimum representation of female lawyer in the lawyers syndicate “Quota for female lawyers” within the Egyptian society.
2 – Create a relationship of communication between female lawyers and the media to mobilize public opinion to work on allocating Quota for female lawyers.
3 – Empowerment of female  leaders – that have been building their capacity in the first phase of the project – to play an influential role in supporting community-based freedoms and defend the rights of female  lawyers within the Egyptian society.
Thus the project seeks, through these objectives to achieve a tangible result for the participation of women lawyers within the General and sub syndicate and work to enhance the opportunity of access to their rights and draw positive picture of them in the process of decision-making within the syndicate. Through the leadership of campaigns supporting advocacy campaigns to achieve the final target of the project, which is having female lawyers on the quota of women on the boards of syndicate just as obtained by women in parliament. At the end of the project will be the work of an evaluation study,  wide on the experience,  out of learned  lessons  and the possibility of re-apply this experience to other syndicates ,especially  like  journalists, agricultural and the teachers syndicates and other syndicates have an impact on the lives of ordinary Egyptian citizen\ Average Citizens, as well as they can communicate with us on Group of  Association of Egyptian  Female Lawyers  AEFL  on the social networking site Facebook, through the page of the project “Quota of female lawyers”  or through website of the Association :.  http://www.aeflwomen.com/

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