Where is a womaninprofessional syndicates?
A continuation of Associationof Egyptian female lawyers‘s efforts insupporting the leadership skills of women in a professional syndicates, Association began to implement the first workshops with the female members of professional syndicates within the framework of the Women’s Union‘sproject of Women in syndicate with support of the National Democratic Fund.
Theassociation is working on implementation of the project with the following professional syndicates (Bar syndicates – journalist’ssyndicates – the teacher’ssyndicates- Engineerssyndicates).
The project aims to support and develop the leadership skills of women syndicates and rehabilitate them to participate in the decision-making process – RabhaFathi-the lawyer and Chairperson of the Board of Directors-said
Women’s Union has a large number ofmembers to ensure activating the participation of women in the future.
The workshop continuedfor three days in the period from February 7 to 9, 25 memberin syndicate participatedwhich addressed the following topics of: –
- The roles of female members within professional syndicates.
- Election campaigns management.
- Selection of campaign‘s team.
Tactics required rallying supporters and advocates of the election campaign to a member syndicate.