Legal Awareness

admen     11 Dec,2015     ,    

Legal Awareness


Legal Awareness- Access to justice is recognized as being essential to human development,    for ensuring democratic governance, in reducing poverty and for the purpose of              conflict prevention. Access to Justice implies a right to live within an environment of rights         where such rights are effectively protected

Constitutional principles fundamental rights; rights of citizens; criminal law, laws prohibiting violence against women including Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, provisions relating to dowry harassment and dowry death; sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment at the workplace; law prohibiting witch hunting; law against sex selective abortion.

Laws relating to Panchayats Scheduled Areas, National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, labour laws; Right to Information law and how to use the same                                         .

Personal laws and gender justice, rights of women in marriage, customary laws; the protection provided by Scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribes (Prevention of Atrocities)

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