Campaign against human trafficking
Association of Egyptian female lawyers is leading a campaign against human trafficking…………….
A continuation of association of Egyptian female lawyers‘s efforts in action to compact all forms of human trafficking , make association working on implement a voluntary number of training courses for lawyers to defend for victims of human trafficking to protect human tights .
A series of lowyers‘s training courses began during the period from 27 till 29 January, at hotel ” Grand Pyramids “and that in the light of fighting human trafficking‘s project, which implements with support from European union in Cairo.
Training courses focus on increasing knowledge and skills for lawyers to enable them to provide their legal services to the victims of human trafficking.
Ms.Rabha Fathi – Chairman of the Board of directors of Association – has stated that training courses include the following topics:
- The role of civil society and its institutions in the monitoring of victims of human trafficking
- United Nation‘s international convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
- Low No.64 of 2010 of compacting human trafficking.
- Mechanisms of preventing, criminal prosecution of the offender, and protecting the victim.
= Victims of early marriage
=Victims of misyar marriage (conditional)
=Women who suffer from violence as a result of trafficking
=Obligatory child labor