The project of “Enhancing Political Participation for Women in Egypt” is implemented by the Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers in cooperation with UN Women

Film Summary

The project of “Enhancing Political Participation for Women in Egypt” is implemented by the Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers in cooperation with UN Women. The project aims at supporting and enhancing women’s participation in political life in the following eight governorates Cairo, Giza, Bani Souif, Al Minia, Qina, Aswan, Alexandria, Dahaqlya by coming collective efforts of NGOs, political parties and vocational syndicates together to achieve political system that consider gender equality and fair representation of women. The project also will work on removing the social, cultural and organizational barriers that negatively affect political participation of women. Consequently, the project’s importance is connected with the target audience and geographic scope covered by the activities which aim at enhancing political participation of women through:

  • Increasing women’s participation in political life on local and/or national level.
  • Providing platforms for stakeholders (NGOs, political parties, syndicates, unions…etc.) in the targeted areas to involve trained young women leaders in their programs to more consider gender equality.
  • Confronting negative stereotyping of political role of women in conservative communities in Egypt.
  • Providing an opportunity through different channels to present good women figures and models.
  • Providing an opportunity for youth to communicate with different political leaders, have real political experience, acquire required skills to develop their capacities to be future leaders acknowledging women’s rights and to be defenders of the issue by mobilizing all new and traditional media means and university activities to support more political participation for women.

The educational film will face the negative stereotyping and calls which aim at decreasing women’s progression and their participation and suppress their civil rights and deprive them from actual political participation using group of explaining means and simple cartoon messages to support women’s participation in political life.

To watch the film, please visit:


  • admen

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