In a new step to protect the women , the association of Egyptian female lawyers implementing a project about providing the legal assistance to refugees Syrian women in Egypt in cooperation with Arab Fund for human rights and the project aims to provide aids and legal services to Syrian refugees families and women in Egypt as a way to protect them against the risk of trading sex on behalf of marriage .
This is through the provision of awareness programs , protection and legal assistance to Syrian girls and women residing in Egypt and assist them in extracting the identification documents as they can through work and integrate within Egyptian society , as well as to help their children to resort to different schools as a right to educate , in addition to providing the legal assistance in the following issues :
Prove marriage issues-
Divorced cases –
– Parentage proof issues
Documenting the marriage securities to Syrian women –
And we welcome in the project all the voluntary services,
To contact with the association in case there are situations you want to get assistance and services , please contact the Support Unit and Legal Assistance: 0237621049 – 01020231987 – 01278444341